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     Topics to be discussed,  -solar orbiter, what is it?  -unprecedented pictures of the sun,  -campfires, what is this?  -seeing the far side of the sun -capturing the solar wind -how helpful these images are,  Introducing of the topic,  Solar orbiter,  It is an International collaboration between the ESA and NASA to study the sun.  it was launched on February 9,2020 the spacecraft completed its first close pass of the sun in mid June.   Unprecedented pictures of the sun,  As the space craft flew within 48 mm miles of the sun, all 10 different instrument actions on its back fixed on it and the Solar Orbiter snapped  the closest pictures of sun to date.  The campfires,  The first images from solar Orbiter a new sun observing mission revealed omnipresent miniature solar frames, dubbed "campfires "near the surface of our closest star they are captured by the EUI from Sola arbiters first perihelion. ...


    Topics of the day,   -What is the new education policy?  -how will schools evaluate students?  -what is the new 5+3+3+4 curricular activity?   -what is the 3 language formula?  - will there be any changes in board exams pattern?  - what criteria will be followed for admission in higher education institutions?  - what changes have been made under UG courses?  -What does multiple entry and exist for UG courses mean.  - how will these reforms be implemented.   Introducing the topic,  -how will schools evaluate students,  Recently the central government has introduced the new education policy 2020 in the new system of education.  A combination of self assessment by the teacher ,Peer assessment and teacher assessment will be followed the national education policy seeks to equip students passing out from great 12 at least one core skill.  New structure of Curriculum structure of 5 + 3 + 3 + 4, U...


  Topics to he discussed, How many vaccines are being tested in India?  When will the vaccine be available to people?  Who will receive the vaccine first in India? At what stages are these vaccines at?  The cost of wax in India will be!  When will the vaccine be available,  In to the topic,  Currently human trials after wax in candidates are being conducted in India they are "ZYCOV-D", vaccine from Zydus Cadila, Serum Institute of India is conducting trials for "COVISHIELD"Under The Oxford vaccine project.  , vaccine from Bharat Biotech and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) .  Stages of the vaccine,  Covaxin, is it Phase 1 and 2 of the clinical trials.  ZYCOV- D has entered Phase II of the human clinical.  Phase II and III trials of the COVISHIELD, vaccine has been approved in India.  When will the vaccine be available,  If the vaccine trial results are successful then these vaccine will be available to people...


    Topic of the day,  - is there life on venus?  -what researchers recently found?  -what was the gas spotted over there?  -significance of the discovery?  -so, there is life on venus!  -what are the  missions on  venus so far?  Introducing the topic,  About the discovery,  In the recent times the scientists found a gas on Venus called "phosphine". it has been detected on Venus atmosphere which indicates that microbes may inhibit earth's inhospitable  neighbour is sign of potential life beyond our planet.  How is the gas spotted on venus,  And international scientific team first spotted "phosphon" using the James clerk Maxwell telescope in Hawaii and confirmed it using the the Atacama large millimetre or submillimeter  (ALMA) radio telescope in chile.  Significance of the discovery,  New finding will further Ignite interest in space missions to Venus previously overlooked in the search for ex...


  Topics to be discussed  -An overview of the topic -u.s constitutional requirements for president?  -what it's national Conventions?  -it's general   election's are,  -it's electoral college,  - president inauguration,  -primaries & caucuses Intro of the topic  An overview of it,  An election for president of The United States is conducted for every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.  US citizens will be voting to elect its 46 president on November 3rd 2020. This time President Trump is seeking re-election for the second term contesting against Joy Biden. US ,constitutional requirements for presidential candidates.  Be a natural born citizen of US. He or she must be 35 years old.  Having a resident of the US for 14 years.  Primaries and caucuses,  Primaries use secret ballot for voting.  Caucuses are local gathering of voters who wrote at the end of meeting.  N...

CHANDRAYAAN-3, INDIA plans for another moon mission.

  Topics to be discussed - what is CHANDRAYAAN-3 mission?  -CHANDRAYAAN-3 SPECIFICS?  - when is the mission scheduled?  -what is the CHANDRAYAAN-3 mission making cost?  -by CHANDRAYAAN-3 the milestone we will achieve?  What happened to CHANDRAYAAN-2?  Introducing of the topic The Chandrayaan-3 is a successor to the Chandrayaan-2 Mission and it will be likely attempt and other soft landing to the lunar surface.  Schedule of the mission,  The next phase of India's ambitious moon mission that is CHANDRAYAAN- 3 and is scheduled  for take off by 2021 instead of 2nd half,2020 as suggested by the government.  CHANDRAYAAN- 3 SPECIFIES,  Unlike CHANDRAYAAN-2 which included an orbiter,a Lander and Rover ,this chandrayaan-3 , will only have a Lander and Rover along with a propulsion module, this announced by ISRO chairman Sivan.  CHANDRAYAAN-3 mission cost,  As per ISRO total cost of CHANDRAYAAN- 3 mission will be over ₹600 cror...

Everything you need to know about the PINAKA Missile system

 Topics to be discussed -what is PINAKA missile system?  -what is it essential?